Introduction to the Farmhouse Ales, Part I

Introduction to the Farmhouse Ales, Part I

The first part of the Introduction to the Nordic and Baltic Farmhouse Ales is now ready. It contains some basic concepts along with geography, ingredients and brewing practices. Within two weeks I will add a second part containing history and some commentary about the taste and availability of these ales. I plan to keep this introduction as simple and short as possible, but this is a really multifaceted topic, spanning a lot in time and space. The introduction is in its own page, and comments directly related to the content would be best placed on that page.

The cover photo of this post shows the folks of Lapin Voima putting up a brewing show at the Turku Medieval Market 2016. The photo was kindly provided by Sami Brodkin.

Welcome to the Brand New Site

Welcome to the Brand New Site

The Brewing Nordic site in now up and running.  The actual brewing content is still absent, but let me introduce the structure of this site.

My background and philosophy of the site is explained in the About section. This News section is just for informing about new content, which will appear in the pages of Farmhouse Ales and Modern Brews (yet to be done) sections.

Since northern European farmhouse ales will be the core content, I will write next an introduction to these ales. I may not make it this week, as I need to gear up for the Finnish National Sahti Competition on Saturday 6th of August. This year the competition is held in Sastamala, Finland about 200 km from my hometown Jyväskylä. I’m traveling there, not only with the sahti I’m entering to the competion, but also with some test batches of farmhouse ales for the fellow brewers and audience to taste. In the meantime, you can watch an amusing video from the last years competition.

See also Brewing Nordic Facebook and Twitter pages.